
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )

( 2023 )


匹配条件: “Clément Sa?dou” ,找到相关结果约18302条。
Impact of Cooking Time on the Physicochemical and Nutritional Properties of Macrotermes subhyalinus and Imbrasia obscura  [PDF]
Clément Sadou, Kouabiteu Marivaux Lesage Djouffa, Bouba Adji Mohammadou, Ahmed Ali, Clergé Tchiegang
Food and Nutrition Sciences (FNS) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/fns.2023.144024
Abstract: Insects are considered as an important source of essential nutrients because of their nutritional value which in turn is related to proteins, lipids, and mineral elements. In order to optimise the nutritional quality of insects, there is a need to identify processing and cooking methods that will result in higher retention of quality nutrients. Several researchers have investigated the effect of cooking methods on the nutritional quality of edible insects. The effect of cooking time on physico-chemical and nutritional parameters of Macrotermes subhyalinus Rambur and Imbrasia obscura Butler was evaluated in this study. M. subhyalinus échantillons were fried and grilled at a temperature of 150°C at intervals of 3, 6, 9, and 12 minutes. I. obscura was initially boiled at 93.4°C for 6, 9, 12, and 15 minutes. Then, I. obscura which had been boiled for six minutes at 93.4°C was fried for 3, 6, 9, and 12 minutes, respectively, at 150°C. The analysis used the pre-levered samples from those various times. The results obtained for M. subhyalinus and I. obscura respectively demonstrate that these two insects comprise primarily proteins (36.83 and 59.04 g/100g DM), lipids (54.24 and 18.67 g/100g DM), and total mineral content (5.87 and 7.82 g/100g DM). With increased cooking time, physical-chemical and nutritional indicators
Efficient Gaussian Sampling for Solving Large-Scale Inverse Problems using MCMC Methods
Clément Gilavert,Sa?d Moussaoui,Jér?me Idier
Statistics , 2014, DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2014.2367457
Abstract: The resolution of many large-scale inverse problems using MCMC methods requires a step of drawing samples from a high dimensional Gaussian distribution. While direct Gaussian sampling techniques, such as those based on Cholesky factorization, induce an excessive numerical complexity and memory requirement, sequential coordinate sampling methods present a low rate of convergence. Based on the reversible jump Markov chain framework, this paper proposes an efficient Gaussian sampling algorithm having a reduced computation cost and memory usage. The main feature of the algorithm is to perform an approximate resolution of a linear system with a truncation level adjusted using a self-tuning adaptive scheme allowing to achieve the minimal computation cost. The connection between this algorithm and some existing strategies is discussed and its efficiency is illustrated on a linear inverse problem of image resolution enhancement.
The Integrated Space of Conflict Management  [PDF]
Clément Gbêhi
Advances in Applied Sociology (AASoci) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/aasoci.2021.1112054
Abstract: The aim of this article is to examine how conflict management serves to further demand-oriented services. Two observations articulate the reflexions: the reduction of the participation of the State in national economies, and the public support for subsidizing the agricultural sector, and the promotion of demand-oriented approach. As demand-oriented approach involved multiple actors with differences in cultural norms and problem perceptions, conflict management is an integrated space. This article then argues that conflict management involves joint exploration and situation analysis, formulating and achieving action-plans, transferring the collective learning process, and creating context of re-negotiation. The methods on data collection and analysis included semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders and participant observations. The interviews were supplemented with one hundred and eighty individual surveys conducted in a dozen villages. The results prove that demand articulation is comparable to integrated space catalysing conflict management as stakeholders involved have differences in expectations and interests. These inevitably mean that farmers’ demands are diverse. As consequence, some negotiations were made between the competing expectations and demands. The article slights the term “joint construction of demands” to account for the agreements and disagreements that shape, in part, what is feasible in a given context.
The Philosophical Foundations of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Water Sector in Benin  [PDF]
Akowanou Clément Ahouandjinou, Cheikh Ibrahima Niang
Open Journal of Philosophy (OJPP) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/ojpp.2021.114035
Abstract: The presence of private operators in the water sector may seem paradoxical. On the one hand, they have their profit margin to preserve, and on the other, the social aspect to keep in mind. This is a real challenge. The private operator in the water sector must be able to embrace the culture and ethics of water in the environment. This study is conducted in Benin in the Ayizo cultural era in the rural commune of Zè in the arrondissement of Hèkanmè. In summoning up the culture, one realizes that water is the fruit of another person’s sacrifice, and this implies doing everything possible to ensure that no one lacks it. The rationale for business in the water sector is that private companies in the global context of their emergence can play a constructive role in providing resources or expertise in situations where governments and states are increasingly weak and unable to adequately fulfil their role in the water supply. Corporate social responsibility in the water sector is reflected in the social dimension of pricing. The vast majority of people interviewed in the study area believe that users pay for water. In general, the price of water paid by the population is often lower than the real cost of the service. In addition, there is solidarity between large and small consumers. The vital nature of water requires integrated and sustainable water governance systems. Local citizens, communities and companies must be actively involved in its management.
Evaluation of Solar Potential at Niamey: Study Data of Insolation from 2015 and 2016  [PDF]
Maigargue Dankassoua, Sadou Madougou, Saleye Yahaya
Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (SGRE) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/sgre.2017.812026
Abstract: Solar energy is a very abundant renewable energy source during the day. The solar energy received in a given point of the Earth is function of the time, the season and the latitude of the point. It has been proven that the solar energy received in one day by our planet is thirty times higher than the annual global energy consumption. Africa is one of the sunniest continents of the world. Nowadays, solar energy is attracting particular attention in the implementation of the energy policies. This renewable source is a key solution to world energy problems, especially in the context of global warming. Niger is identified as among the sunniest zones of the World. Knowledge of solar potential is one of the crucial parameters to master for energy applications. In this study, continuous measurements (at intervals of 5 minutes over 24 hours) of solar radiation have been carried out on the site of the National Center of Solar Energy of Niamey. These measurements were taken using the pyranometers, allowed us to collect the values of the daily global sunshine on a horizontal plane and on an inclined plane of the years 2015 and 2016. The treatment and the exploitation of these data allowed us to determine the daily and monthly duration of sunshine, then the impact of the clouds and dust on the solar radiation, to evaluate the solar potential of the site and determine the variations of this solar potential as a function of time. The results showed that the solar potential was very favorable for many solar applications.
Brunetto Latini y la reconstrucción del ethos republicano
Clément Godbarge
Foro Interno : Anuario de Teoría Política , 2005,
Abstract: influenced by the consolidation of the autonomous political sphere of the city. The gradual opening of power to a large spectrum of citizens led to a change in the daily practice of politics. The Florentine bourgeoisie, as a source of an unprecedented economic growth, brought new rules to the political game and sought to legitimate them before the leading European political actors. Brunetto Latini took part in this process by providing a theoretical corpus to the fragile Florentine republic, thus setting the... (Ver más) ethical and practical bases of the vivere civile. His encyclopaedic work is nurtured from the many intellectual traditions with which he was in contact, and demonstrates an unusual interest in the ancient thinkers. He wrote in romance languages and is known to be the first to popularize Aristotle’s Nicomaquean Ethics and Cicero’s De Inventione. The Florentine memory remembers him as the master of a whole generation. Among his students, we may highlight Dante Alighieri, who dedicated a Canto from the Inferno to his master.
Sciences de l'esprit et sciences sociales : des liaisons dangereuses ?
Fabrice Clément
SociologieS , 2012,
Abstract: Après avoir insisté sur les apports d'une approche naturaliste pour les sciences sociales, cet article vise tout d'abord à montrer que les éventuels risques de réductionnisme dont sont soup onnés les sociologues cognitifs ne s'appliquent en rien à l'article de Laurence Kaufmann et Laurent Cordonier. Par contre, s'il est aujourd'hui nécessaire d'envisager une forme de compatibilisme entre les sciences de l'esprit et les sciences sociales, il faut convenir que certaines caractéristiques de ces dernières ne se prêtent pas facilement à une méthodologie strictement expérimentale. D'une part, les sciences sociales ont un r le de lecture des réalités socio-politiques qui ne donne pas vraiment prise aux méthodes des sciences dites dures . D'autre part, les réductions opérées en laboratoire doivent être complétées par des observations de terrain. Enfin, les descriptions des formes de vie humaines ne peuvent être strictement objectivantes : comme l'a bien montré Jeanne Favret-Saada, ce n'est qu'en acceptant d'être affecté à la première personne que l'anthropologue a une chance de comprendre ce que a fait d'être Bororo ou victime d'une attaque de sorcellerie. Towards a compatibilism between cognitive and social sciencesThe first objective of this paper is to shed light on the advantages of a naturalistic approach for social sciences and to show that Laurence Kaufmann and Laurent Cordonier cannot be accused of reductionism. However, if a form of compatibilism between social and cognitive sciences is necessary, there are certain characteristics of social sciences that cannot be tackled by a strict experimental approach. On the one hand, the role of the social sciences is to give meaning to complex historical realities that cannot be enclosed in a laboratory. One the other hand, experimental results have to be completed with field observations. And last but not least, understanding human forms of life involves an existential involvement from the observer who cannot reduce what s/he is studying to a mere object of inquiry. To understand what it is like to be a Bororo or a bewitched, the scientist has to be personally affected by the form of life s/he is studying. Neurociencias y ciencias sociales: lazos peligrosos?El objetivo principal de este artículo es el de subrayar las ventajas de una aproximación naturalista en las ciencias sociales y de indicar que Laurence Kaufmann y Laurent Cordier no pueden ser acusados de naturalistas. Pero aunque sea necesario contabilizar las relaciones entre las neurociencias y las ciencias sociales h
Quelques Armes Espagnoles au Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Genève
Bosson, Clément
Gladius , 1969, DOI: 10.3989/gladius.1969.172
Abstract: LA collection des armes et armures du Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Genève provient de l'ancien arsenal de la République. Cette collection est donc composée surtout de pièces qui avaient été utilisées par les soldats des corps de troupe de Genève et des officiers de la République et par les dépouilles des adversaires de la Cité. Les armuriers allemands -et particulièrement italiens- étaient les fournisseurs de l'Etat par l'intermédiaire de marchands établis en ville. C'est la raison pour laquelle les armes construites en Espagne sont peu nombreuses dans ce musée.
Architecture du paysage en Extrême-Orient
Pierre CLéMENT
Mappemonde , 1987,
Abstract: L'art d'implanter les constructions dans le paysage est apparu en Chine il y a plus de vingt siècles. Fondé sur l'observation des éléments naturels — relief, montagnes et eaux, orientations, vents — il les réinterprète dans un système de correspondance entre l'univers et l'homme, la nature et l'espace habité, cherchant ainsi à déterminer les sites les plus favorables à chaque individu et à chaque projet. Il a permis le développement de nombreuses écoles, la publication de nombreux traités fondés sur l'observation et la représentation des sites.
La Revue blanche et les Nabis. Une esthétique de la fragmentation
Clément Dessy
Trans : Revue de Littérature Générale et Comparée , 2009,
Abstract: Dès ses débuts, La Revue blanche (1889-1903) a manifesté son soutien aux peintres nabis. De nombreux textes brefs, en prose, sous forme de fragments textuels, sont publiés par la revue durant ses premières années. Ces fragments répondent de manière cohérente aux préceptes picturaux des Nabis et aux gravures que ces peintres livrent à La Revue blanche. Il s’établit de la sorte un dialogue neuf entre peinture et littérature à la fin du XIXe siècle. From its beginning, La Revue blanche (1889-1903) has been supporting the Nabis painters. The magazine published many short prosaic texts (as textual “fragments”) during its first years of existence. These fragments fit coherently to the Nabis’ painting principles and to the engravings published by the Nabis in La Revue blanche. This created a new relationship between painting and literature in the end of the nineteenth century. Desde el inicio, La Revue blanche (1889-1903) manifestó su apoyo a los pintores nabis. Numerosos son los textos breves, en prosa o en forma de "fragmentos" textuales, que fueron publicados por la revista en sus primeros a os. Estos fragmentos siguen de manera coherente los preceptos pictóricos de los Nabis, al acompa ar perfectamente los grabados que estos pintores entregan a La Revue blanche. De este modo se establece a finales del siglo XIX un diálogo novedoso entre pintura y literatura.

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